Archive for the
‘Market Commentary’ Category

We are definitely living in strange times, with a year of pandemic, microscopically low interest rates, a soaring stock market and everybody walking around looking like bank robbers. And so there were bound to be odd distortions in different sectors of the economy. One of the most interesting is found in the U.S. housing market, [...]
One of the most common educational props in the financial planning world is something known as the Callan Periodic Table of Investment Returns. The table is constructed in various ways—either with annual returns, or monthly returns—but the result for those shorter time periods is always the same and vividly illustrated. As you can see from [...]
*This article was written for information purposes only and its content should not be construed by any consumer and/or prospective client as rebel Financial’s solicitation to affect, or attempt to affect transactions in securities, or the rendering of personalized investment advice for compensation. No client or prospective client should assume that any such discussion serves [...]

February 10, 2021

Bob Veres

Market Commentary, News


Conventional economics tells us something that would seem to be obvious: when the government creates more money, there is more money available to buy things, and therefore the prices of things rise—and we get inflation.   For some reason, this logical sequence of events seems not to be happening today. The amount of money in the [...]
The financial media took a brief break from predicting everything that will happen in 2021 (don’t laugh; it’s their yearly habit) to bring us the engaging story of how masses of small amateur investors managed to bid the share prices of three largely-unprofitable companies—GameStop, AMC Entertainment Holdings and Blackberry—up nearly 1,000 percent, collectively. GameStop's stock [...]

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