Archive for the
‘Money’ Category

There’s a lot to unpack in the newly-passed, newly-signed American Rescue Plan bill, beyond the fact that the government is once again sending checks out to American families. The goal is to help relieve the economic suffering caused by the COVID pandemic in a variety of sectors. The relief bill makes unemployment benefits more generous, [...]
A friend or relative asks you to be their executor of estate. What, exactly, are they asking you to do? An article on the NerdWallet website offers many detailed insights into the scope of the task that you would be taking on, and it is clearly not for the faint of heart. The executor has [...]
One of the most common educational props in the financial planning world is something known as the Callan Periodic Table of Investment Returns. The table is constructed in various ways—either with annual returns, or monthly returns—but the result for those shorter time periods is always the same and vividly illustrated. As you can see from [...]
*This article was written for information purposes only and its content should not be construed by any consumer and/or prospective client as rebel Financial’s solicitation to affect, or attempt to affect transactions in securities, or the rendering of personalized investment advice for compensation. No client or prospective client should assume that any such discussion serves [...]

February 27, 2021

Bob Veres

Money, News


One of the bellwether indicators of the health of the U.S. economy is automotive sales; when Americans are feeling confident and financially secure, they are more inclined to buy a new car than when they’re pessimistic and financially strapped. The last time we experienced a recession, back starting in 2008, auto sales fell from well [...]

December 31, 2020

Bob Veres

Education, Insurance, Money, Tax


The U.S. Congress recently passed, and the President signed, the 5,593 page Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021—and experts are still mulling over what the impact will be on ordinary citizens. There are stimulus checks, tax planning relief provisions and a break for people who experience high medical expenses during the pandemic. There’s even a new [...]
Incoming college freshmen and current students are facing many unknowns when it comes to understanding how the college experience will change as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Will classes be online, in-person, or both? Will students be required to wear masks on campus? What about student organizations, and other traditional ways of making connections [...]

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