Archive for the
‘People’ Category

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March 6, 2018

Bob Veres

Lifestyle, People


How to Argue These days, it seems like everybody is arguing about everything, and with perhaps a bit more… energy than in years past. And it turns out that most of us are going about our arguments all wrong. Author Daniel Pink has pointed out that most of the arguments going on today involve two […]

March 6, 2018

Bob Veres

People, Polotics, Tax


Much Ado About… You may have heard about the “Trump Tariffs;” that is, the proposed 25% surtax on all steel imports coming into the U.S. from foreign manufacturers, and a similar 10% surtax on aluminum. The markets certainly noticed; they fell dramatically after the announcement, as investors feared that the move would spark a global […]

February 19, 2018

Bob Veres

Lifestyle, Lifestyle, People


How To Get More Sleep   Chances are, you don’t get enough sleep at night.  According to Matthew Walker, of UC Berkeley’s Sleep and Neuroimaging Lab, most of us get about four to six hours of actual sleep, which is not the seven to nine hours we need.   What to do?  Walker says that […]

False Visions of the Future The financial experts know a lot more about the markets and how the markets will perform in the future than the ordinary rest of us. Right? As it turns out, the predictions made by financial experts are no better than those made by gypsies looking into crystal balls, soothsayers gazing […]

Professional or Sales Agent? You Decide. You’ve probably read a dozen articles that tell you how to tell a good financial planner from a salesperson or product-pusher, but the truth is, the salespeople and product pushers are so good at looking like the real thing that most articles fail to unmask the pretenders. Not so […]

January 10, 2018

Bob Veres

Lifestyle, People


Population in Decline You’ve probably read some alarming statistics about the world becoming overpopulated, unable to feed itself, and meanwhile using up all the fresh water and energy that is available. If you found these reports disturbing, and believe that humans are multiplying like jackrabbits, then here’s some good news: it appears that the human […]

December 8, 2017

Bob Veres

Lifestyle, People


Formula for life If you’re looking for a quick list of ways to improve your physical and mental health, you could do worse than follow a list compiled by Bala Afshar, author of The Pursuit of Social Business Excellence, who works as “chief digital evangelist” for the Salesforce CRM organization. His list looks like this: […]

December 8, 2017

Bob Veres

Lifestyle, People


Making that Impression When you meet people, at work, in interviews, at parties, there is a lot of judging going on, and the good or bad impression you make usually isn’t based on the words you say. A recent article in Forbes magazine suggests that you’re most often evaluated on your unconscious behaviors, the things […]

November 10, 2017

Bob Veres

Lifestyle, People


The Antisocial Side of Social Media Have you ever wondered whether social media was having a positive or negative impact on our mental well-being? The American Academy of Pediatrics has issued a warning about the negative effects of social media on young kids and teens, and of course it mentions cyber-bullying. But it notes that […]

The Economic Myth-Destroyer Gets His Due Imagine a person who always, in every circumstance, makes rational decisions with his money. He saves when he ought to and spends exactly as he should spend, in order to maximize the “utility” of whatever wealth he happens to possess. He defers gratification with ease. When he invests, he […]

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