Archive for the
‘Taxation’ Category

Nobody likes to pay taxes. That’s why investors naturally are interested in earning tax-free income. Municipal bond issues are a very popular way to earn tax-free income and, if income is reinvested, achieve tax-free compounding of returns. Municipal bonds (also known as “munis”) are fixed-income investments that can provide higher after-tax returns than similar taxable […]

For mutual fund investors, earnings come from two sources: fund distributions — dividends or capital gains — and the sale of fund shares.1 Income from these sources may be taxable. Fund companies typically send year-end statements to shareholders that summarize the information used to report investment gains or losses to the IRS. Here’s a look […]

As hard as it is to believe, today’s tax-advantaged plans — including individual retirement accounts IRAs, 401(k)s, and rollover IRAs — have the potential to make many employees millionaires. A 401(k) contribution of $433 per month, at 8% compounded monthly, would be worth more than $1 million after 35 years.1 [images style=”2″ image=”×199.jpg” width=”300″ align=”left” […]

For the casual observer, it sometimes seems that variable annuities are either “terrible” or “wonderful.”Commentators in the financial media seem to occupy a polarity of opinions we might see in politics. What gets lost when these commentators collide is “the individual.” Unfortunately, the discussion is rarely centered on whether a variable annuity is relevant and […]

The reason withdrawals from an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) prior to age 59½ are generally subject to a 10% tax penalty is that policymakers wanted to create a disincentive to use these savings for anything other than retirement.¹ [images style=”2″ image=”×256.jpg” width=”300″ align=”right” top_margin=”20″ bottom_margin=”20″ left_margin=”20″ right_margin=”20″ full_width=”Y”] Yet, policymakers also recognize that life can […]

When the rules of the game change, tactics should follow in response to the new landscape. While estate tax exemptions have ridden an uncertain roller coaster in recent years, the rules appear to be stabilizing, prompting many to reconsider conventional estate strategies.¹ [images style=”2″ image=”×300.jpg” width=”200″ align=”right” top_margin=”20″ bottom_margin=”20″ left_margin=”20″ right_margin=”20″ full_width=”Y”] In 2013, Congress […]

Between 30 percent and 60 percent of taxable property has an inflated assessment, which may lead to higher property tax bills. Moreover, typically fewer than 5 percent of taxpayers dispute their assessment.¹[images style=”2″ image=”×200.jpg” width=”307″ align=”right” top_margin=”20″ bottom_margin=”20″ left_margin=”20″ right_margin=”20″ full_width=”Y”] For homeowners who think their local government may have assessed their property’s value too […]

No one wants to see an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) auditor show up at his or her door. The IRS can’t audit every American’s tax return, so it relies on guidelines to select the ones most deserving of its attention. Here are six flags that may make your tax return prime for an IRS audit.¹ […]

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TD Ameritrade Account
Fidelity Account
Jefferson National Account
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