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‘Market Commentary’ Category

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Americans’ confidence in the ability to afford a comfortable retirement continues to rebound from the lows reported between 2009 and 2013. The increasing optimism is coming largely from workers who indicate they and/or their spouse have a retirement plan, such as a defined contribution (401(k)-type) plan, defined benefit (pension) plan, or individual retirement account (IRA). […]

Special occasions often call for gift giving: a graduation in May, a wedding in June, an anniversary in July, and birthdays throughout the year. Each event seems to sneak up on us — and our budgets. Retailers plan for holidays and seasonal sales, so why not do a little gift planning of your own? Here […]

As a single parent, you’re probably familiar with the dual challenges of managing a household and planning for the future on your own. But are you as familiar with the financial strategies that can stretch your income and help you get ahead? Consider the following lessons to help improve your family’s bottom line. Lesson #1: […]

With some $30 trillion poised to change hands over the next several decades from parents and grandparents to so-called Millennials — those 90-million-plus Americans aged 18 to 33 — the financial services industry will have its work cut out for it. Popular investing wisdom states that the younger you are, the more time you have […]

Recent stock market conditions in China present a classic illustration of the boom/bust cycle that periodically disrupts financial markets. While bubbles and subsequent busts occur in the investment world from time to time, there are typically some telltale signs to help investors recognize when there is trouble brewing. When Is a Bubble a Bubble? Most […]

Shares of common stock play a role in just about every investment portfolio. This article is for those who’d like to know more about where their savings might be invested. Here are the basics: Stock (sometimes called equity) represents ownership of a company, divided among the company’s shareholders. While any company can issue stock, only […]

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Jefferson National Account
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