Archive for the
‘Market Commentary’ Category

April 28, 2016


Market Commentary, News


You read a lot about job creation and governmental policies, especially in this era of lingering, lagging economic growth, especially from political figures who are hoping to get elected based on their policy prescriptions.  Republican candidates like to talk about the growth of jobs during Ronald Regan’s presidency, while Democrats tout the presidential terms of […]

April 28, 2016


Market Commentary, News


Are you retiring soon and looking into your options to start drawing down your savings from your employer-sponsored plan? Are you also concerned about making sure your money lasts as long as you need it to? If so, annuities may make sense for you.1 Annuities, simply put, reduce the risk that you will outlive your […]

Actively managing your debt is an important step, and your student debt may be one of the biggest financial obligations you have. There are many strategies that could help you manage student loans efficiently. Here is a checklist. Choose a federal loan repayment plan that fits your circumstances: The Standard Repayment Plan requires a fixed […]

April 11, 2016


Market Commentary, News


There have been studies showing that financial issues are one of the primary reasons why married couples fall apart. A recent article in Market Watch suggests that the biggest reason for these significant disagreements is a failure to create a unified view of the financial future that both parties have agreed to. In many cases, […]

April 11, 2016


Market Commentary, News


The first quarter of the new year has brought us small positive returns in many of the U.S. market indices, which means that investors survived—for now, at least—the worst start to a calendar year ever for the U.S. stock market. The Wilshire 5000 Total Market Index–the broadest measure of U.S. stocks and bonds—was up 1.17% […]

Leaked information tells the story of prominent world leaders who avoided taxes or looted their country’s treasuries in order to squirrel away not only money, but expensive yachts, luxury homes, ownership of a candy company and investments in construction companies.  The Prime Minister of Iceland has already resigned as a result of the leaked client […]

Chances are, you’re underestimating the amount of progress we’re going to make in technology, medicine and a host of other things.  Why?  Because your brain, and mine, and everyone else’s, thinks linearly, rather than exponentially.  We are living in an age of exponential change in things like computing power and speed, decoding and finding medical […]

We’re in one of the longest-running, biggest wealth-producing bull markets in history, but you wouldn’t know it from the headlines or the gloomy mood of investors.  On March 9, the bull market in U.S. stocks, represented by the S&P 500, celebrated its seventh year.  The index has risen 194% since closing at 676.53 on March […]

Most people have seen bogus emails purported to be from the executors of the estate of Nigerian princes or other obscure foreign notables who want to give them millions of dollars, and sometimes they get bogus calls telling them they can win a lottery sweepstakes or receive debt relief. But apparently one of the most […]

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