The changes in Social Security benefits and taxes for 2021 were a bit controversial. Benefits will rise 1.3% this year, which is not expected to allow beneficiaries to keep up with increases in the cost of living. Meanwhile, the tax withholdings have risen faster than inflation; for 2021, workers will pay a 6.2% Social Security [...]
The ball drops in New York and we usher in a new year. We mark the end of a decade filled with so much struggle, fear, victories, and great accomplishments and we are all excited about a new beginning. But then, the unthinkable happens. There’s an unknown virus spreading throughout the world; slowly at first [...]
A bill entitled The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act passed the U.S. House of Representatives last May by an overwhelming majority, and it was called the most comprehensive, sweeping retirement security legislation in recent history. A few days ago, the Senate finally passed the same legislation by attaching it to its [...]
Last Friday, we had the pleasure to talk with Valorie Schwarmann, CFO and Senior Vice President of Homeport, a non-profit housing developer. Valorie oversees the financial systems, processes, planning, and reporting for all lines of business at Homeport. What is Homeport? Homeport is a non-profit housing developer based in Columbus, Ohio. By building quality affordable [...]
When it comes to retirement, there are a lot of factors that can help ensure your financial security. While retirement might seem far away, it’s important to start planning early and make sure you are taking advantage of every avenue to generate savings. Maximize Your Employer’s 401k Contributions The most common method of retirement savings [...]
Student loans, credit cards, saving for retirement, and being properly insured are common concerns that face millennials today. To combat these issues, it’s important that young people have the financial literacy necessary for a secure financial future. This article will be going over important tips that, when started at an early age, can make a [...]
post by Kirsten Carver- rebel Financial's Investment Management Intern Recently, the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement has caught the attention of many millennials. How practical is the concept of retiring early and what should you give up to achieve early retirement? Whether you agree with the FIRE Movement or not, this article will take [...]
Many people feel uncomfortable planning for life insurance because they connect it with "the end." Consequently, they fail to take the appropriate steps in order to protect loved ones financially. How does it work? “A life insurance policy is a contract with an insurance company. The company provides a lump-sum payment, known as a [...]
Chances are that you know that the Social Security trust fund is due to run out of money or “deplete its reserves” by the year 2035. Fixing social security depends on some forecasts, including economic growth, number of workers who remain in the workforce and the number who retire. The clear point is that Congress […]
The organization, US Together was founded by Nadia, her husband, and a friend; all refugees from the Ukraine. Their vision was to create an organization that fulfilled the needs of refugees and immigrants alike. These founders personally endured obstacles while integrating into America. These experiences gave Nadia a different perspective on immigration. It’s authentic and [...]