How Insurance Deductibles Work An insurance deductible is the amount you, the insured, pays before any claim is paid by your insurance carrier. Depending upon the type of insurance, a policy may set the amount of deductible, or offer you the ability to select a deductible amount. Deductibles serve a dual purpose: they save the […]
Errors and Omissions Insurance Errors and Omissions (E&O) insurance has many names. For some healthcare professionals, it’s called malpractice insurance. For lawyers, it may be called professional liability insurance. Whatever name it goes by, E&O insurance is designed to protect you or your company from potential financial damages that may arise from a client holding […]
The issue of health care costs in retirement — and planning for them well in advance of retirement — is becoming a centerpiece of any retirement planning discussion. [images style=”2″ image=”http%3A%2F%2Frebelfinancial.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2FA-cracked-egg-with-money-coming-out-of-it300x2001.jpg” width=”300″ align=”right” top_margin=”20″ bottom_margin=”20″ left_margin=”20″ right_margin=”20″ full_width=”Y”] A recent study by Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) projected that in 2014, men and women who […]
A flexible spending account (FSA), offered as an elective benefit by many employers, permits workers to contribute, through payroll deduction, to accounts that are designated for specific qualifying medical or dental expenses. If your employer makes an FSA available, the account typically is used in conjunction with your employer-sponsored medical plan for out-of-pocket costs not […]