rF LiveBroadcast Imran Nuri of 52 Million Project

What is the 52 Million Project?
The 52 Million Project was created by Ohio State University graduate, Imran Nuri. The mission is to make a difference by having individuals donate a dollar per week. This idea stems from when Imran was growing up. His parents would give him a dollar to put into an empty JIF peanut butter jar, and it would be donated to a charity. With this in mind, Imran wanted to create a larger network of individuals donating one dollar per week.
Each week, a new charity is selected to receive the donation. Another amazing thing about this organization is that each dollar donated goes directly to the charities. Through the help of sponsors, SafeParc, and Ohio State Energy Partners, the costs of overhead expenses are covered so that every dollar donated goes to helping others who are in poverty.
“Philanthropy is giving what you can, even if it’s as simple as donating one dollar a week. 52 Million Project limits donors to this exact amount to show how one dollar and one person can have a much larger impact on the world.”
– Imran Nuri, Founder of 52 Million Project
How can I help?
If you want to help the 52 Million Project reach their goal of one million donors, there are many ways you as an individual can help. Not only through donations, but spreading the word about the organization, as well as engaging with social media content.
Although your donation is limited to $1 per week, your secondary impact is infinite. After donating, a custom referral link is generated for you specifically. Through this link, discussing the project with family members, co-workers, and others allows your outreach as an individual to multiply.
Do you want to learn more about the 52 Million Project? Go to their website here.
Follow the 52 Million Project on their social media platforms to get the latest updates as well. Facebook / Instagram / LinkedIn / Twitter
Watch the LiveBroadcast below or at YouTube or rebel Financial’s Facebook.