Proxy Vote Update: Electronic Arts (EA)

Below are the resources for and the results of our recent Proxy Vote on behalf of our clients:
Proxy Materials:

rF Voting results:

  1. Vote for the election of of the following nominees:
    1. Leonard S Coleman – For
    2. Jay C Hoag – For
    3. JEffrey T. Huber – For
    4. Vivek Paul – For
    5. Lawrence F Probst – For
    6. Richard A Simonson – For
    7. Luis A Ubinas – For
    8. Denise F Wareen – For
    9. Andrew Wilson – Against
  2. Advisory vote on the compensation of the named executive officers: Against
  3. Ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as the company’s independent auditors for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2015:For
Post by Phil Ratcliff

Phil Ratcliff, President of rebel Financial, is a senior financial advisor that holds an AIF®, CFP®, ChFC®, and CLU® certifications. He started his career at American Express Financial Advisors in 2003, then moved to AXA Advisors for 7 years before founding rebel Financial LLC in 2013.