Archive for the
‘People’ Category

September 19, 2018

Bob Veres

Lifestyle, People


The Irreplaceable Formula A roundtable of prominent CEOs was asked an intriguing question: what makes an irreplaceable employee? How would you describe this person? You might think their answer would cite extraordinary skills, a great educational background or industry certifications. But instead, the CEOs listed three different attributes: A drama-free personality. The idea here is […]

Crisis Continued We should probably all be celebrating the news that, after eight years of headlines predicting the worst sort of gloom and doom, the nation of Greece has emerged from its bailout program.  Over that time period, the country received 289 billion euros ($330 billion) from the International Monetary Fund, the European Union and […]

Are Automation Fears Overblown? The robots are coming for your job, and eventually they’re going to get it.  Right? Maybe not.  A new report by the OECD (the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development)—an intergovernmental economic organization with 36 member countries—has concluded that only 14% of jobs in developed countries are “highly automatable.”  This would […]

August 16, 2018

Bob Veres

Lifestyle, People, World


Peace in our Times Is America one of the world’s most peaceful countries, or one of the least?  An organization called the Institute for Economics and Peace actually measures, for every country, something called the GPI (Global Peace Index).  The measurement takes into account the societal safety and security of each country’s citizens, the extent […]

Health and Technology Technology for health is finally moving beyond the Fitbit and counting your steps, to more complicated feedback like improving your posture and correcting your running stride. An article in the online version of Forbes magazine lists seven fitness-enhancing gadgets that you might want to consider as a way to facilitate a healthier […]

July 30, 2018

Bob Veres

People, Taxation


New Tax Considerations for Divorcing Couples People who are contemplating divorce could be surprised by some provisions of the new tax law—and should be including it in their separation plans.  The new laws affect the taxation of alimony payments, and also the valuation of certain assets that are usually part of a divorce agreement. In […]

The Alarming Truth About American Healthcare Costs In all the debate over how or whether we need affordable care, state registries, guaranteed coverage despite pre-existing conditions etc. etc., few Americans realize that our U.S. healthcare system has been totally out of control, cost-wise, for decades.  A recent study by the Kaiser Foundation found that virtually […]

July 16, 2018

Bob Veres

Lifestyle, People


Health Risks for Frequent Travelers If you’re a road warrior who spends your life on airplanes, then you probably already suspect that the lifestyle is not ideal for your health.  Stress, sleep interruption, unhealthy eating and drinking and lack of exercise can add up to chronic disease risks. A recent study of electronic medical data […]

The Secret Recipe for Laziness For many people, laziness is not a virtue; it is something that has to be overcome with daily habits and willpower.  But what about the driven Type A personality who has been told by his/her doctor that the current lifestyle will almost certainly lead to a premature death?  How can […]

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