Archive for the
‘People’ Category

The 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges Supreme Court decision streamlined tax and estate strategizing for married LGBTQ+ couples. If you are filing a joint tax return for this year or are considering updating your estate strategy, here are some important things to remember. Keep in mind, this article is for informational purposes only and is not a replacement [...]
A living trust primer is a popular consideration in many estate strategy conversations, but its appropriateness will depend upon your individual needs and objectives. A living trust is created while you are alive and funded with the assets you choose to transfer into it. The trustee (typically, you) has full power to manage these assets. [...]
The morbidity data collected by the U.S. Center for Disease Control doesn’t just collect statistics on morbidity due to diseases and suicide. There are other causes of death that seem strange but are surprisingly common. A few years ago, some researchers looked up some of the more unusual CDC codes, listed between 1999 and 2014, [...]
There’s a lot to unpack in the newly-passed, newly-signed American Rescue Plan bill, beyond the fact that the government is once again sending checks out to American families. The goal is to help relieve the economic suffering caused by the COVID pandemic in a variety of sectors. The relief bill makes unemployment benefits more generous, [...]

February 18, 2021

Bob Veres

Health, Lifestyle, People


You’ve probably heard speculation that the pandemic lockdown measures, which enforce social distancing and reduce income for millions of Americans in service-related and other jobs, will result in a higher suicide rate. The data, of course, is not in yet, but there are some potential clues in the historical suicide data that has been collected [...]

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