The New Manufacturing We hear about how artificial intelligence is going to change the workforce, and how computers are taking over the world. But perhaps the biggest shift in our industrial lives has been flying under the radar: rather than making things, we will soon be “printing” them. A new “metal printing press” developed by […]
Health and Technology Technology for health is finally moving beyond the Fitbit and counting your steps, to more complicated feedback like improving your posture and correcting your running stride. An article in the online version of Forbes magazine lists seven fitness-enhancing gadgets that you might want to consider as a way to facilitate a healthier […]
Self-Driving Timetable There has been a lot of hype about self-driving cars, but when, realistically, can we expect to be driven to our destination by a vehicle that has no steering wheel, gas pedal or seat specifically designated for a driver? The answer depends on which of many competitors you’re talking about, but it looks […]
Smartphone Addiction? Have you ever wondered how often the average person interacts with his or her mobile device? As it turns out, the mobile research firm Dscout, Inc. has the answer. According to its statistics, the average person taps, pokes, pinches or swipes his/her personal phone an astonishing 2,617 times a day. It adds up […]
Your Spying Phone You like your privacy, don’t you? But do you own a cell phone? A recent article in Science News magazine suggests that there are so many sensory features built into today’s smartphones that we’re all in danger of prying eyes, ears and other senses watching our every move. Does this actually happen? […]