Archive for the
‘Business Planning’ Category

Defined contribution plan sponsors are rethinking ways to improve investment offerings in an attempt to elevate retirement outcomes for plan participants. The Towers Watson 2014 U.S. Defined Contribution Sponsor Survey revealed a few key themes. [images style=”2″ image=”×300.jpg” width=”300″ align=”right” top_margin=”20″ bottom_margin=”20″ left_margin=”20″ right_margin=”20″ full_width=”Y”] Improving Portfolio Diversification Historically, DC investment options have leaned heavily […]

A study by the Putnam Institute, “Defined Contribution Plans: Missing the forest for the trees?” contends that while a number of variables, such as fund selection, asset allocation, portfolio rebalancing, and deferral rates all contribute to a defined contribution plan’s effectiveness — or lack thereof — it is deferral rates that should be placed near […]

November 20, 2014


Business Planning


Imagine being able to meet with someone who is totally in tune with the needs of your department, intimately knows the issues between you and your employees, bosses and coworkers and has a solid idea of how to correct difficulties. Now that would be a person to meet with. [images style=”2″ image=”” width=”360″ align=”right” top_margin=”25″ […]

November 20, 2014


Business Planning


Why – Why – Why? Most of us as children have frustrated a parent or other adult by asking a seemingly endless series of “why” questions. [images style=”2″ image=”” width=”360″ align=”right” top_margin=”25″ bottom_margin=”25″ left_margin=”25″ right_margin=”25″ full_width=”Y”] “Why is the sky blue?” “Because the molecules in the air scatter blue light from the sun more than […]

Insuring Your Business With a Buy/Sell Agreement Life insurance is designed to help protect a household from the financial hardships that may follow the untimely death of a primary wage earner. But how will a death affect a small business? One way of safeguarding a business is to create a buy-sell agreement. A buy-sell agreement […]

Employers are enhancing their retirement plans and increasing access to professional investment advice in an attempt to bolster employee retirement readiness.A new study by Aon Hewitt, which polled more than 400 plan sponsors serving 10 million plan participants, revealed a number of initiatives being taken to strengthen employee ability to achieve greater financial security in […]

LegalZoom reported that 75% of small-business owners have no formal succession plan.¹ While the number may shock, it doesn’t surprise since so many small business owners are consumed by the myriad responsibilities of running their businesses.Nevertheless, owners ignore succession planning at their peril, and possibly at the peril of their heirs. There a number of […]

Only 30% of all businesses put on the market for sale are actually sold, according to the National Federation of Independent Business.¹As a business owner, ascertaining the value of your business is important for a variety of reasons, including business succession, estate tax estimates, or qualifying for a loan. There are a number of valuation […]

After years of declines, new business formation rose in 2011 for the first time since 2006, according to a most recent statistics compiled by the Kauffmann Foundation.¹ For individuals pursuing the dream of exercising their entrepreneurial muscles, they will face the same question, “Which business structure should I adopt?”Each option presents its own set of […]

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Jefferson National Account
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