If you are a small business owner or planning to become one, retirement planning for both you and your employees should be a big consideration. Small business owners are not required to offer retirement services to employees. According to data collected by SCORE in 2019, companies with ten or less employees are the least likely [...]
Looking for a new career or wanting to start a business? Maybe it’s something you’ve been considering for a while, but never knew where to start. Or maybe you’re a little too eager to dive right into your next professional venture. Considering all of the factors involved — family, location, money — there’s undoubtedly a [...]
Michael Maher, Founder and Chief Idea Officer of Cartology, joined Tony Jones for another virtual Live Broadcast last Friday. Michael shared his experience in the eCommerce industry, which started shortly after college when he pursued entrepreneurship as a side gig. As he saw more success, he decided to move into the eCommerce space full-time, transitioning [...]
What is [re]start? [re]start is a career development platform that provides job seekers with resources to find jobs that will make them happy and meet their needs. It’s also a tool for employers to build valuable relationships with potential employees and professionals. Last Friday, Tony Jones spoke with Chad Silverstein, Founder and CEO of [re]start, [...]
Despite a nice recovery day on Tuesday, it now appears that the investment markets are in full panic mode, the result of the World Health Organization declaring the Covid-19 virus to be a global pandemic. Traders on Wall Street are selling at virtually any price, which is causing the markets to drop into bear market [...]
You know that a recession is coming, though the day and the hour is unknown even to the most savvy and information-infused economists. So it makes sense to get out of the way now, before it hits—right? If that’s how you think, then you may be in danger of missing out on far more upside [...]
Last Friday, we had the pleasure to talk with Valorie Schwarmann, CFO and Senior Vice President of Homeport, a non-profit housing developer. Valorie oversees the financial systems, processes, planning, and reporting for all lines of business at Homeport. What is Homeport? Homeport is a non-profit housing developer based in Columbus, Ohio. By building quality affordable [...]
The FAFSA & College Financing If this is new to you, FAFSA, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid is a form for prospective college students that should be completed every year. The point of the application is to determine your Expected Family Contribution (EFC). The lower the EFC number, the more financial support you [...]
“The goal of YMT Consultants is to support, guide and educate start-up and existing business owners as they launch and grow their business.” Mary McCarthy is the President and CEO of Your Management Team, also known as YMT Consultants. This company was founded in 2009. Its purpose is giving other small business owners direction. Mary [...]
Advancing Ohio Entrepreneurship Last week we talked face to face with the CEO of VentureOhio, a venture capital company with an approach to increase capital to everyone that is ready to do the next big thing. For Ohio, from Ohio. CEO Falon Donohue “I certainly did not expect this path to end up [...]