A full month into a historic government shutdown. A full month into a historic government shutdown, after 800,000 government workers have missed their second paycheck, two things are clear: 1) Economists and political pundits had no expectation that the impasse would past this long. 2) The impact on the U.S. economy cannot be calculated with […]
Government Shutdown Consequences As the U.S. government shutdown enters its second week, you might wonder how so many shuttered government agencies and laid-off federal workers will affect the economy and your portfolio. The good news is that the economic impact, overall, is likely to be small. In late 2013, a similar government shutdown, spanning 16 […]
Professional or Sales Agent? You Decide. You’ve probably read a dozen articles that tell you how to tell a good financial planner from a salesperson or product-pusher, but the truth is, the salespeople and product pushers are so good at looking like the real thing that most articles fail to unmask the pretenders. Not so […]
Don’t Miss Open Enrollment Each year, the Affordable Care Act—popularly known as Obamacare—creates a period when health insurance policyholders can buy or change their coverage through state exchanges or the government website. This year, many locations will feature fewer carriers bidding for your business, but virtually every county in America still has coverage options. But […]
Below are the resources for and the results of our recent Proxy Vote on behalf of our clients: Proxy Materials: Proxy Statement. Annual Report. rF Voting results: Vote for the election of of the following nominees: W Geoffrey Beattie – For John J Brennan – Against (Lack of oversight on approving/proposing compensation package). James I Cash Jr – Against (Lack of oversight […]
Below are the resources for and the results of our recent Proxy Vote on behalf of our clients: Proxy Materials: Proxy Statement. Annual Report. rF Proxy Vote results: Vote for the election of of the following nominees: Randall L Stephenson – Against (Conflict of Interest). Scott T Ford – Against (Lack of oversight on approving/proposing compensation package). Glenn H Hutchins – For […]
Below are the resources for and the results of our recent Proxy Vote on behalf of our clients: Proxy Materials: Proxy Statement. 2014 Annual Report rF Voting results: Vote for the election of of the following nominees: Ann B. Crane – For Steven G. Elliott – For Michael J. Endres – For John B. Gerlach, Jr – For Peter […]