Last Friday, we had the pleasure to talk with Valorie Schwarmann, CFO and Senior Vice President of Homeport, a non-profit housing developer. Valorie oversees the financial systems, processes, planning, and reporting for all lines of business at Homeport. What is Homeport? Homeport is a non-profit housing developer based in Columbus, Ohio. By building quality affordable [...]
The FAFSA & College Financing If this is new to you, FAFSA, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid is a form for prospective college students that should be completed every year. The point of the application is to determine your Expected Family Contribution (EFC). The lower the EFC number, the more financial support you [...]
When it comes to retirement, there are a lot of factors that can help ensure your financial security. While retirement might seem far away, it’s important to start planning early and make sure you are taking advantage of every avenue to generate savings. Maximize Your Employer’s 401k Contributions The most common method of retirement savings [...]
Student loans, credit cards, saving for retirement, and being properly insured are common concerns that face millennials today. To combat these issues, it’s important that young people have the financial literacy necessary for a secure financial future. This article will be going over important tips that, when started at an early age, can make a [...]
Everyone goes through the process of buying a car for the first time. Whether you want to buy new or used, make sure you read this article before purchasing a vehicle. Buy Used → Saving Money Buying a used car is an easy way to save money on getting a vehicle with hope that it [...]
More than a quarter of millennials say buying a home is weighed more heavily to their career than starting a family or retiring. Yet with such a high demand for ownership, why is the home ownership of millennials lower than the last two generations? Here are the reasons why and possibly the way to move [...]
post by Kirsten Carver- rebel Financial's Investment Management Intern Recently, the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement has caught the attention of many millennials. How practical is the concept of retiring early and what should you give up to achieve early retirement? Whether you agree with the FIRE Movement or not, this article will take [...]
Beauty and wellness savings hacks can help you save money over your lifetime! A common misconception is that beauty and wellness products are only for women. But this is far from true! Men still need to use shampoo, lotion, face scrubs, nail clippers... you get the idea. Clearly, everyone needs beauty and wellness products one [...]
The organization, US Together was founded by Nadia, her husband, and a friend; all refugees from the Ukraine. Their vision was to create an organization that fulfilled the needs of refugees and immigrants alike. These founders personally endured obstacles while integrating into America. These experiences gave Nadia a different perspective on immigration. It’s authentic and [...]
You can save on fitness more easily than most people think. Learn that being active doesn’t need to empty your wallet! Breaking the EXPENSIVE Stereotype You can stay fit while on a budget, it’s possible! Living a fit lifestyle has become increasingly trendy, along with many overpriced clothes, shoes, and electronics. Not to mention, […]