There have been reports that so-called “elder abuse” in a financial context is on the rise, costing elderly Americans an estimated $36 billion last year alone. By one estimate, roughly one in three older Americans has been scammed in the past five years—what an official at the Institute on Aging calls “an elder financial abuse [...]
Estate Management Checklist Estate planning can be complicated. To simplify the process, here are 9 questions that should be on your estate management checklist to ease the process for you and your loved ones when you go. Do you have a will? A will enables you to specify who you want to inherit your property [...]
The 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges Supreme Court decision streamlined tax and estate strategizing for married LGBTQ+ couples. If you are filing a joint tax return for this year or are considering updating your estate strategy, here are some important things to remember. Keep in mind, this article is for informational purposes only and is not a replacement [...]
A friend or relative asks you to be their executor of estate. What, exactly, are they asking you to do? An article on the NerdWallet website offers many detailed insights into the scope of the task that you would be taking on, and it is clearly not for the faint of heart. The executor has [...]
You know that a recession is coming, though the day and the hour is unknown even to the most savvy and information-infused economists. So it makes sense to get out of the way now, before it hits—right? If that’s how you think, then you may be in danger of missing out on far more upside [...]
Last Friday, we had the pleasure to talk with Valorie Schwarmann, CFO and Senior Vice President of Homeport, a non-profit housing developer. Valorie oversees the financial systems, processes, planning, and reporting for all lines of business at Homeport. What is Homeport? Homeport is a non-profit housing developer based in Columbus, Ohio. By building quality affordable [...]
More than a quarter of millennials say buying a home is weighed more heavily to their career than starting a family or retiring. Yet with such a high demand for ownership, why is the home ownership of millennials lower than the last two generations? Here are the reasons why and possibly the way to move [...]
Last Call for HARP One of the most beneficial consumer rescue programs from the Great Recession era is about to expire. The Home Affordability Refinance Program—known as HARP—was passed by a bipartisan Congress in 2009, to enable borrowers who were under water on their homes, or close to under water, to refinance into more affordable […]
Common Estate Planning Mistakes The most common way to transfer assets to your heirs is also the messiest: to have a will that is so out of date that it doesn’t relate to your property or estate, to have your records scattered all over the place, to have social media, banking and email accounts whose [...]