Beauty and Wellness Savings Hacks

Beauty and wellness savings hacks can help you save money over your lifetime!
A common misconception is that beauty and wellness products are only for women. But this is far from true! Men still need to use shampoo, lotion, face scrubs, nail clippers… you get the idea.
Clearly, everyone needs beauty and wellness products one way or another. Is it possible to buy cheaper products that still have good quality? The answer is yes, absolutely! In a society with high beauty standards, corporations profit off of overpricing everyday products. Do not dismay, there are some life hacks to avoid breaking the bank.
How to Save
Off brand products are typically the way to go for both beauty and wellness. They can be as low as half the price of brand name items! SO worth it. Remember that shelves are strategically organized in stores. Cheaper items tend to sit lower because adults overlook the bottom shelf.
Keep in mind, that prices fluctuate between the stores you shop at (for the same exact item). It may be tempting to buy shower products like shaving cream or razors while grocery shopping, but it comes at a cost. Grocery stores such as Kroger are more expensive than supermarkets like Walmart and there are less options.
Additionally, try searching online for sales or coupons. Many stores and websites bundle items together, making it cheaper to buy in bulk. Essentially, the upfront cost may be higher but you are getting more and spending less.
Furthermore, comparison shop and read product reviews. Generic items can often surprise you in their quality versus the price. “In many cases, you’ll find something that does the same job as the product your stylist is peddling for significantly less cash,” (Source).
Example of Beauty and Wellness Products
Not sure what types of products you can get deals on? Common beauty product categories are makeup and nail care, skin care, and hair care.
A few popular wellness products of 2019 are vitamins, supplements, protein shakes, tea, protein bars and charcoal teeth whitening.
Put it to the test
Equate vs Neutrogena Makeup wipes are virtually the same thing, but Equate is the Walmart brand. From personal experience, the Equate wipes come with more product for $3.48 versus $8.99.
Simply apply the tips mentioned above when shopping! Take note of which ones help you the most and increase your savings. There are many others similar to you seeking advice so don’t forget to spread your knowledge!